timeline choice point

Today on 21/12, the December Solstice, a Timeline Choice Point is emerging.   I sense this going back to the Sept Equinox of 2011, when for me personally a similar major choice point presented only back then I wasn’t able see it with clarity. Today I am fully aware of how that choice has influenced the outcomes of the past 7 years. It has created a whole circle of life experiences that has brought me back to a similar place where I am being presented with another opening, a new Timeline Choice Point that could and most likely will influence the next cycle of time.

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end of an era

Big life change is right in front of us. Who knows where it leads, who knows when it will take hold. All I sense is the end of an era, the phase of 2012-2018 coming to a close.

This most recent phase has been about waking up the resistance. Waking up the Sleeping Masters. Waking up all that is running in the background that prevents us from being the master of our own destiny. Waking up our actual mastery in its true form and pure essence. There are multiple streams here and each one of us has rivers of different programs running through our systems.

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If 2017 is a one year, a Year of New Beginnings, then it has been a year of preparation for that beginning. A year of transitioning from one phase to the next.   A year of slowing down and coming into a long drawn out pause while everything catches up with itself, gets in the same space, on the same level, in wholeness and completeness. It is only in wholeness and completeness, that we shift in a unified way into what lies in waiting.

This year has been a leveling ground. It has created great rifts in relationships, in ideologies and beliefs, illuminating all that is wrong with the world and all that is twisted and distorted in the minds of humanity. But in being confronted with the dark and unpleasant, the frustrating and displeasing, we are being shown exactly what we want in our lives and what we have to let go of to get it.

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the untethering – part 3

On receiving the words, Unlocking the Tethers of Disempowerment, 5 weeks ago, I knew this series would be in 3 parts, although what those parts were, I did not know. I just sensed something would come forward at the right time to be integrated into each part. Now, with the overriding theme of transcending our limitations through natural alchemy, I see this series was an analogy for the energetic processes unfolding this year.

We hear the words letting go, clearing, cleansing and purging so often it makes you wonder what could possibly still be left to let go of but there is always more. So much so, it has taught me to change my perspective and see it not so much from the physical sense of eliminating but from the soul sense of integrating. This is a process of unifying all aspects of our soul to create a unified field of Wholeness and Oneness.

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the untethering – part 2

Imagine being free from all aspects of the past, floating in the space of Alchemy.         True Freedom is not something we are used to. Having lived with so many restrictions and limitations on our lives, we have been tethered to anchors of illusion while forgetting our innate ability as Creator Beings. But here in the rays of this new energy, we are awakening to the truth beyond the illusion and standing at the threshold of a world bathed in pristine Divine Light.

With that transition comes immense challenges and changes as all parts of our biological and physical systems are essentially rebooted into another format. We are being transformed from the inside out and anywhere we hold aspects of old density is being brought to the surface for our acknowledgement and action for the substance held in these old ways does not sit well in the resonance of the new.

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the untethering – part 1

The immense power of the March Equinox sent us deeper into the sacred waters of our soul, encouraging us to open our Hearts to the full depths of our being.

There is much to gain in getting intimate with our hidden selves and this year, in some ways, we can no longer avoid it. As the luminosity of the Light increases, there is nowhere to hide. Everything can be seen. Everything is coming out into the open. Nothing is invisible anymore and in realizing there was nothing to fear in the first place, we take the first steps towards reunion with our Sacred Hearts.

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unifying the sacred self

A huge wave of transformative energy is flowing through this week in the lead up to the March Equinox. While there are a number of factors at play with the recent Full Moon, the current Venus Retrograde and the Sun Chiron conjunction earlier in the week, the combination of cosmic energies are all triggering the same message, it’s time to Unify the Sacred Self.

What has become apparently clear is that despite all the Light Work we do to open up our Sacred Way, we cannot move forward in grace when the system that creates our Being is operating in disparate parts. We can only move forward in wholeness, when the system is generating a frequency of coherence and clarity.

A Unified Self is the first stepping stone in the Sacred Way.

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all about abundance

With the Full Moon illuminating the energies of August, the story is all about Abundance. We have everything to assist us with purifying, energizing and amplifying our understanding and acceptance of what it means to return to our natural state as abundant beings.

It is often said, Abundance is Your Natural Birthright, and yet that statement can feel empty to someone not experiencing abundance. When you are outside the abundance circle and surrounded by struggle and hardship, it can be hard to see or believe in the possibility of a natural flow of universal blessings.

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