the era of seeking has ended

Back around 1/11 I sensed the End of an Era coming. A significant closing of one chapter and opening of another. That opening is now coming through and will over the transition from 2018 to 2019, bring through monumental shifts and opportunities to evolve as human Light beings which may appear or materialise as intense life change.

I have been experiencing unusual anxiety as this shift approached. It is triggering root level issues enabling deep core change. Something the human aspect can deflect our focus from by creating sensations like anxiety and other distractions. Facing the uncomfortableness of whatever presents will help us move through this as there is momentum in this wave to totally wipe the slate clean. Again. Only this time it is for real. It feels like transitional energy.

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opening the infinite pathway

There are new opportunities presenting through this Eclipse Season for propelling us through the threshold of limitation and into the space of the Infinite Pathway, the realm of evolving, emerging and expanding into a New Dawn of Light.

In knowing this Pathway is largely unfamiliar to most, there is also unbridled Celestial help and assistance available to guide us through the threshold and experience the transition with the least resistance possible.

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the grace of samadhi

In the Heart of the sacred centre, the harmonic core of all Beings, lies the Light of the Soul, the power centre of life force. This life force is the magnetic realm for all creation, the Radiant Heart of Divine White Fire.

In this place all creation lies in waiting. All thoughts, visions, desires and wishes exist in the resonance of their creation. In this space of possibility, all things exist in their infinite beingness.

Through the grace of Samadhi we bring these creations to life. We grant them presence through our participation in blending desire and form. Through the magnetics of the life force sustaining all creation, we co-create the union that creates life.

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converge at the highest point

The words coming through now create expansion. They want us to open our boundaries and rise up to meet our greatest desires. They are saying,

Aim for the highest possible outcome even though you may not be able to see the framework. For it’s there, establishing itself in the space we are rising up to. 

It will meet us at the highest point where all converges.

There is a sanctioning of Higher Living coming. By Higher Living, I sense this as rising up into the space beyond limits. Transcending old ways. Liberation from limitation. It feels like the physical untethering, an opening to a whole new playing field.

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nemah apala ~ a bountiful blessing

Through this next passage there is a new language forming. This language speaks the Essences of the Soul and establishes within you the greatness that lies in the space beyond.

In this space there are bountiful gifts for the ones that see. There are bountiful gifts for the ones that know. Open your eyes and see into the beyond for there is a thread of Light streaming from this space that will lead you into worlds unknown.

Dear One the Goddesses of the Light are calling all Beings blessed under the Light of the Sun. These Beings are you, they are one and the same, the ones with the coding to be affected by the Light.

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all about abundance

With the Full Moon illuminating the energies of August, the story is all about Abundance. We have everything to assist us with purifying, energizing and amplifying our understanding and acceptance of what it means to return to our natural state as abundant beings.

It is often said, Abundance is Your Natural Birthright, and yet that statement can feel empty to someone not experiencing abundance. When you are outside the abundance circle and surrounded by struggle and hardship, it can be hard to see or believe in the possibility of a natural flow of universal blessings.

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