Thank you for visiting The 12th Road.

Having walked this multi-dimensional pathway for over 10 years, the new harmonics and acceleration of our collective awakening is bringing through a new perspective. Transitioning what was The 12th Road into a new Celestial Gateway for illumined thought, wisdom and insight. 

There are infinite ways we can be reunited with our higher voice and for me it through my star consciousness. This stream of knowing is transforming everything through its own directive of purifying and restoring all to its original pure state.

It is here in this space that a new level of receiving is unfolding. It is a deep longing that is Soul driven, Soul directed. I feel it coming through the Great Wisdom Keepers who reside at the Celestial Gateway and it is here that they usher in what will be our new light transmissions.

All posts published on this blog may be shared by others but I ask that the work be respected by always including reference back to the original source of The 12th Road with all words intact and unaltered.

20 thoughts on “ABOUT ME

  1. This is a beautiful blog. I feel the truth in your words and look forward to connecting and reading your thoughts.

  2. Hi Mandy, I’ve just come across your work and feel very grateful as you’ve validated a lot of what I’m experiencing which can be quite literally lonely in my environment. I’m really struggling with the trauma in the world especially with the disappearance of so
    many Syrian refugee children and there seems to be hardly any press about it- yet if that number of children were taken from one of our schools it would be worldwide news. I feel this is where my path is taking me- how I do not know, but thank you xxxx

    1. Thank you for connecting. In my experience, the loneliness was more a deep longing for the lost soul connection than anything physical. Now I seek out solitude as I know this is where true soul nourishment comes from. This helps restore balance too especially with the stark realities we are now confronted with 🙂

  3. Well, Dear Friend,

    Here we are in 2017. For me time just flipped from February 28 to March 1. In Alaska it is now 12:37 am. I listened to your YouTube video at 11:58 pm and before the stroke of midnight, I landed at your website, the 12th Road. I plan to play in sweet dreams until we wake. From your account, it won’t be long now.

    Thank you for sharing your gifts.


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