anahata : the unstruck sound

There is something in the energy of sound that can bring through the most sacred of experiences, the most unexpected transformations and initiations that can flow right under the radar of the conscious mind. One of those occurrences was delivered to me almost 11 weeks ago when our home was filled with flood waters and we had to be evacuated.

In the days and weeks after, we muddled through mud, broken possessions and despair as we bundled up what was salvageable and left our house for a new home, in a new town, in a new region.

While it has all ended favourably and we were helped so graciously in so many unexpected ways, it has been a leveling experience to have all that was solid and familiar washed out from under you with no ability to control, challenge or influence any aspect of what was occurring. Spending the night in the dark with a raging torrent flowing through your home not knowing if it was going to rise or stabilize was an extreme experience of being squeezed into the space of surrender. It changes you.

What I witnessed that night was the thinning of the veils. The elementals. The water and nature spirits. The visibility of the patterns and vibrations that create what is formed around us. Being absorbed and expanded into a realm beyond this one. And it was all supported by the realm of sound.

The noise echoing through our home that night is something that will never leave me. The chorus of voices. The echoes. The rippling. The rapids. The splashing of currents sending belongings from one room to another. The Spirits. The Presence of Other Beings. It was busy and it’s unlike anything I have ever heard.

When a big life event is delivered to you, you kind of think it is going to come a certainsacredwaters way and it is not until now, when I tried and tried to write but couldn’t find the words that matched what had happened and how all has shifted. When I stopped trying to write it just came and I ended up somewhere new.

When you are suspended in a reality that is not this one, something happens that pushes you into a realm I can only call The Absolute. When you’re there, there is no question that you’re not there. There’s no question of anything.

All you know is : You Are All Here.

There is a force of magnitude that comes from somewhere and it tells you. You feel it. You know it. You Are It. It tells you in the whispers, in the ripples, in the constant hum of its Presence, You Are All Here. And somewhere against all odds, you succeed in understanding exactly what that means. You are all here and in the clarity that this brings, you see, you hear, you feel, you facilitate the space for the Breakthrough to break through.

On the last night of December 2018, 5 weeks prior to those flood waters, I received a message. I was guided back to that message today. I had totally forgotten about it and as I re-read it, I heard the words, Anahata. It is the Sanskrit word for Heart Chakra and it can be defined as the ‘unstruck sound’, the pure sound of the celestial realm. It signifies the state that appears when we can detach and look at the apparently contradictory experiences of life with a state of openness.

That message from 31.12.18 was:

Big Life Change. I am feeling big sweeping change wash over me. Big sweeping moments of reflection and connection and it’s saying what’s past is done. What’s coming feels major.

A Big Life Event. A publicly expressed experience that takes us further into the future. A long term connection. I feel there is something to be delivered to me. A surprise. A gift. A sacred marker. An Out. You know what to do with it. You know where to go.

A projection into the Sacred Waters of the Divine.

The Goddess Has You.











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