timeline choice point

Today on 21/12, the December Solstice, a Timeline Choice Point is emerging.   I sense this going back to the Sept Equinox of 2011, when for me personally a similar major choice point presented only back then I wasn’t able see it with clarity. Today I am fully aware of how that choice has influenced the outcomes of the past 7 years. It has created a whole circle of life experiences that has brought me back to a similar place where I am being presented with another opening, a new Timeline Choice Point that could and most likely will influence the next cycle of time.

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end of an era

Big life change is right in front of us. Who knows where it leads, who knows when it will take hold. All I sense is the end of an era, the phase of 2012-2018 coming to a close.

This most recent phase has been about waking up the resistance. Waking up the Sleeping Masters. Waking up all that is running in the background that prevents us from being the master of our own destiny. Waking up our actual mastery in its true form and pure essence. There are multiple streams here and each one of us has rivers of different programs running through our systems.

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say yes and remember

How do we begin to even describe the movement we are experiencing this year. Each wave outweighs the previous and we move through life like we are on the greatest rollercoaster ever invented. It can be a nightmare to live with but I say to those around me, around all of us, Let Us Move Through This – it is Transcendence.

In some ways it feels more like a Renaissance. The return of the High Arts. High Creativity. The return of creation in a way we have never known. The return of pleasure, and delight, the return of peace and knowing. The return of life in a way that celebrates living. I have received over 70,000 words in inner guidance this year and it has been phenomenal, way too overwhelming to share but the underlying theme has been about the return of love. The return of connection. The return of flow, Divine Flow in the way it was meant to be. The return of Providence.

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amunta insigne : luminance of the rishi

In the Dawn of the Solstice Sun, the Luminance of the Rishi is here to surround you in loving kindness. Rishi Consciousness resides over all and can co-ordinate and create what is being called for at all levels.

Rishi reside on the resolute. It is and will be ascertained that the Rishi will act on that resolve. Rishi are embodied in the incarnate and will activate that identity in those who have roles to contribute. The Rishi are awakening the Masters for their mastery is needed and requested in all ways and on all levels. Rishi will distinguish themselves and call on all souls with this trigger in their timeline of embodiment. Rishi are doing this across all levels and all rays.

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awakening the sleeping masters

The Soul holds many secrets and they are unfolding through these waves to support the foundation of the New Realm. It is supporting the transcendence, the transference, the transformation of ordinary people into masterful beings.

It is supporting the Awakening of Sleeping Masters.

In reading this, you may feel your body twist and pull away from the words. You may feel your body twist and pull into the words. You may find yourself sinking into something that has always been inside you.

You may find yourself awakening to your inner knowing that you are and always have been, a Master.

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the road to absolution

Anyone in tune with these prolific energies understands the vastness of the transformation taking place. It is a continual wave of regeneration infiltrating every aspect and layer of what we understand as life.

Here at the point of the Aries Full Moon, a marker for establishing new beginnings after what has been a phenomenal phase since August, we are in the midst of epic changes where we can no longer connect to what was. We are disconnecting from the past where all appears distant and faded as if it was from an old era totally irrelevant to what is emerging in this new Here and Now.

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sun of love

Today I feel disconnected to all that has passed. I am not that person. But I am not any person, it seems. I am still in creation. I have no sense of time. I can’t recall what went by. Nor what is to come. I only know now and the sprinkling of love that is filtering through this moment in space.

This love is the true essence of me. This is what is creating me. Evolving within me. This essence is the Sun of Love. Brilliantly shining within the core of me. Radiating out into space from me. But which me is me. It is not the me that was me. It is the me that is always me. The monad of the wise. The bringers of truth and stellar wisdom is the path of that truth.

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symbiosis in stillness

So much is shifting at lightning speed now it is nearly impossible to function as we always have. These last few weeks have been immensely different, like being in a vacuum unable to connect with where we were but not yet able to see with clarity what lies ahead. It is like being suspended in stillness, at the zero point, while deep transformations continue to unfold around us.

What is also emerging is the apparent overlays of reality. I am experiencing revelation after revelation where through the stillness, I can see into the truth of things. I can understand things I couldn’t see before and get a sense of how the veils were concealing different streams of our existence. These different realities were always there, always running in parallel, only our perception was closed off to it.

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