you are all here

As we move into the last days of this year’s opening Eclipses, I am also flowing through the last days of my 40s. I have had a doozie of a decade, god knows how many kms travelled, houses lived in and left, jobs won and lost. I have virtually nothing to my name and yet there is so much in my name. In the essence that is me and all that is being anchored into the field of vibrational resonance transforming my being from the inside out.

Right now I feel like I am here. Fully Here. In a way that has never been possible before and I am sensing the entire Cosmic Field rallying around me ready to send me into the year of my Jubilee in jubilant form. There is a glorious, clarifying Eden like vibration leading the way into a whole new world that is literally waiting for us to see it, choose it and relocate to it. All vibrationally. It is just a Heart Opening away. Well, a Heart opening and a decade of inner work.

As I contemplate this, I am sensing the transition across this threshold in all its Rainbow Frequencies. A Bridge of Rainbow Frequencies and after all the strife and all the struggle, it feels so easy. Everything floats. All I have to do is float. Float into peace. Float into the light. Float into the sanctuary of vibrational harmonics I have already created over all these years for it is all there ready and waiting.

As I do, the Cosmic Guardians say :

You have put your Heart and Soul into this and it has not been in vain. Nothing is wasted. Nothing is lost. Nothing is gained in thinking that only one timeline exists. You are multi-dimensional and you have the power to create on all levels, on all timelines. You have already created what you are seeking. The possibilities are endless and what you have focused on most is what lies in your Field of Resonance.

This is the moment of alignment, when your field resonates with your being. When all materializes within the magical mystery that is the truth of your existence.

Alignment is Grace. Grace is Knowing. Knowing is Being. Being is at the Heart of your Soul. Being is the Heart of your Soul.

When you are Being the One you came here to Be, magic prevails. Alignment activates. Resonance materializes. It’s a simple way to be and yet so often a convoluted path to reach it. But know this, if ever there was a need for a voice of truth, it is stop the seeking, stop the fixing, stop the needing.

You Are All Here.

Resonate with what lies at the Heart of you. If you don’t know what is at the Heart of you, use vibrational tools to enhance your resonance but not from a place of fixing something that is broken. There is nothing wrong. You are all here. Come at it from uncovering what has been buried. Illuminating what has been dimmed. Enhancing what is naturally within you.

Tune into the harmonic in which you reside. Nothing is missing. All is complete and all is already perfectAn Open Heart will see the simplicity of this knowing. An Open Heart see through it and find the resonance that makes it true.

An Open Heart knows this because it is streaming the Wisdom that makes it so.

Blow yourself wide open here. Blast through the rhetoric. Listen to no one but your own soul’s song. Listen. Tune in and Listen. There are wave lengths streaming through this that only you can hear. Only you can decipher. It is not for anyone else. It is there for you and you only.

This is the sacredness of what is happening here for One and All. You receive what is true to you and the rest passes you by. In this you will find your Field of Joy. Your Sacred Path. Your Garden of Eden. 

In this You will find Yourself. 


~ Artwork by Joao Santos from the video ‘Planet Eden’ featuring music by Kevin Kendle, found here

8 thoughts on “you are all here

  1. Ohhh Mandy ♥️!!! What a WONDROUS adventure to Here…Happy 50th 🎉 Here’s to SURPRISES awaiting YOUUUU Living FREEEEE creating from PURE pleasure 🌈 NEVER been Worlds MADE of NEVER been YOU!!! The Song of YOU is magnificent and I’m DANCIN in celebration with YOU 🌬🦋🌻👯‍♀️🔆🌐

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