end of an era

Big life change is right in front of us. Who knows where it leads, who knows when it will take hold. All I sense is the end of an era, the phase of 2012-2018 coming to a close.

This most recent phase has been about waking up the resistance. Waking up the Sleeping Masters. Waking up all that is running in the background that prevents us from being the master of our own destiny. Waking up our actual mastery in its true form and pure essence. There are multiple streams here and each one of us has rivers of different programs running through our systems.

Waking up to what has been in resistance activates our light channels through these elevated gateways and portals. Our mastery has been muted for so long some of us don’t even know it exists but it is there and ready and waiting for our connection, our command, our permission to come to life.

Being the master of our purpose, our passion, our pathway requires much to fall away. We move away from some things, move closer to others. We can no longer tolerate some experiences while we can’t get enough of others. People, places, activities. Everything is shifting and transforming. Everything is up for big life change. And even more so, discernment is key.

For me personally, I born to twist my fate into the opposite experience, to heal what has past and radiate the illuminated path out into the world. I know this from all I have donedawn2 since 2012, all that has transpired since the kundalini awakening back in 2010. It hasn’t come without effort, much of which has been done on my own in my own space but it has aligned me with a truth I couldn’t find any other way.

The Sabian Symbol on the day I was born is “A Hindu Healer Glows with a Mystic Healing Power” and much of this year has been about unveiling a new identity in alignment with this symbology.

An unveiling that has taken me back into the deepest blockages and distortions I’ve carried through this life. As we witness what has held us back with the clarity of new wisdom, it no longer holds power over us. We step into our place of power and all dissolves. It is integrated and we begin to master our own life.

What I’ve learnt through all this is that to see the truth of life, the layers between all that exists must dissolve. We must soften our resolve and meld into the flow. The flow may not take us directly where we think we want to go but it will take us to the heart of who we are.

And who knows, by taking the road unwanted we may end up where we want to be through unexpected means. We may experience a life of magic. We may actually experience the glow of a mystical healing power.

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