11/11 portal of illuminosity

11/11 is a massive Portal of Illumination and what has come through this week is already phenomenal.

Illumination can mean many things but in this case it is pure spiritual and intellectual enlightenment, for these two essences are now becoming entwined as the One Essence of Truth.

Through this Light of Truth, there is an uncovering taking place. We can understand this as the awakening of minds, the rising of consciousness, the thinning of the veil, the merging of worlds, all concepts of the same thing. But what is at the core of it all, is the expansion of our ability to see beyond limits. This Illuminance is creating within each of us a sequence of energy that activates our remembrance and recognition of the truth of our existence, our origins, our purpose and the original blueprints that created us.

For Truth to rise to the forefront, the un-Truths we have previously attached to have to becosmicheart recognized and released. We can witness this happening at an accelerating rate as all that has been construed and manipulated to create the reality we live in is exposed and revealed and all not in alignment with our core truth falls away and dissolves.

As we expand into these higher perspectives, a recalibration takes place that shifts our Beingness into unchartered waters. It can feel like we have woken up in a brand new space with no memory of what passed. Everything appears the same on the outside but on the inside, our whole cellular and molecular systems have been, and are being, rewired to generate a whole new perception of awareness.

In this sense, this 11/11 Gateway can be thought of a Portal of Divinity. It comes with a huge shift in destiny as timelines collapse and coded information is triggered to breakthrough and retrieve what is our Divine Birthright. All we have been preparing for is happening now and these current events are the catalyst.

What is looming here is the full ignition of the Light. The power of the illuminance is palpable and it is pulling us into the field of Oneness. We are part of a Grand Divine Plan that has been playing out for eons and while our individual ascension process is essential to the outcome of the Divine Plan, we are also awakened to the staggering extent of support structures in place on the other side of the illusionary veil to usher in what will become a whole new way of living on this planet, in this solar system, in this galaxy. We are reminded here that we are participating in a highly regarded, supported and monitored galactic event.

What happens here and now is determined by our individual efforts to awaken our original blueprints, our collective efforts to shift the focus of our society towards a fair and just and prosperous framework for all, and our spiritual efforts in remembering our True Divine Nature, the True Divine Nature of the Universe we live in and context of the True Nature of Life on this Planet in all aspects of existence that are flourishing both on the surface and in the inner realms as well as in other dimensional realities.

The word I received for this Portal is Illuminosity. It’s not actually a word but holds the energy of what I feel. It is the illuminance of luminosity, or the perception of radiance streaming out from the Cosmic Heart.

It is all encompassing.

It is the intervention of Higher Consciousness for elevating life into the highest experience of Joy and the basis for our own empowerment in mastering our sovereignty and joining the journey back to the Golden Light of Oneness, the Divine Union at the core of the Cosmic Heart.



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