the light lover

I’ve just completed training in ThetaHealing. This is a modality that uses a meditational Theta state to bring about physical, psychological and spiritual healing. It is a powerful process that works with the subconscious and conscious mind to release deeply held patterns, limiting feelings or beliefs or anything else holding back a person’s health and wellbeing. We witnessed some transformations within our small group and what we also witnessed was my own opening to the Light of Spirit. It was unexpected and sudden as I was midway through my first reading to connect with the Spirit Guides of another student but rather than find the Guides I channelled the energy of a long lost lover dramatically wanting to be reconnected. The Light Lover came through as a vibrant white-blue light with incredible luminosity, moving about erratically in several stages of intense colour and patterns while pulling and tightening at my Heart Chakra, eventually overwhelming me with such an intense feeling of Love that it made me cry and I had to stop the reading. The experience was so powerful that the person I was reading felt exactly the same sensations and colours I had witnessed through my own body. Once we recomposed ourselves and asked to continue the reading, the same dramatic light show came through again but the Light Lover was so desperate to connect that when an exceptionally intense burst of light broke through almost blinding my entire Third Eye vision it again overwhelmed me with more tears. The sense of Love we both experienced was incredible and if the Light Lover was ever trying to bring through a message for my fellow student it was certainly that she had once experienced a Love connection with another being that was unlike anything she has ever known.

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